8-2PM PST | 10-4PM CT | 11-5PM ET | 4-10PM UK











Let me show you my step-by-step system to monetize as a spiritual coach using one of the most proven and trusted transformational methodologies in our industry… along with a strategic sales and marketing plan you can implement now.



The #1 reason 8 out of 10 coaches fail is because their subconscious limiting beliefs are blocking them from success.  Secondly, they don't have a proven sales and marketing strategy. 


The average coach uses the strategy of "If I post random pretty pictures or quotes on social media, somebody will want to work with me", or "work harder, not smarter." 

Now is your opportunity to become CEO of your personal and professional life and have a strategic plan for your success. 🚀


Because when you embody your truth, transform your trauma, and birth your true purpose & calling... your entire business takes a quantum leap. 


I've been coaching and running businesses for decades now.


And I've helped develop many women to become 10k+ Spiritual Coaches doing what they love to do. 🚀


So, I know a thing or two about what works...and what doesn't.


After 25 years of seeking truth, I've developed a methodology that really works to develop spiritual coaches and grow their coaching business.


It's a proven system that includes both spiritual mastery & business mastery: subconscious reprogramming, e4 Trauma Method™, Truth Triangle Framework, Universal Law, Metaphysics of Mind... along with a step-by-step roadmap for sales and marketing.


And it's been used by the top 1% of the coaches in the industry to grow their business to 6-figure, 7-figure, and 8-figures. 🚀


This is why I created this LIVE one-day online immersive workshop. I’m going to walk you through everything you need to grow your spiritual coaching business online this year.


For the first time ever, outside of my high-level coaching ($1k-100k), I’m revealing the exact systems we use and our clients use for success.  🚀


You're Going To Learn 3 Essential Things:

Session 1: How to Become a Master Spiritual Coach

Saturday, July 24th 8-10am PST | 10-12pm CT | 11-1pm ET | 4-6pm UK

  • Learn how to breakthrough your money B.S (belief systems) and have your clients do the same so you can massively monetize.
  • Learn my entire methodology to reprogram your client's subconscious mind and transform their personal & professional life. 
  • Learn the Truth Triangle framework to powerfully coach your clients in the 4 areas of life:  career & money, relationships & love, health & vitality,  and creative expression. 
  • Learn the e4 Trauma Method™ to birth your purpose & calling.

Session 2: How to Master Monetization & Sales  

Saturday, july 24th 10-12pm PST | 12-2pm CT | 1-3pm ET | 6-8pm UK


  • Learn the most proven and trusted 6-step system to launch and scale online.
  • Learn the best funnels for 2021 so you can monetize and make an impact in the world.
  • Learn the 10 things to post on social media to have people like, trust, and want to buy from you.
  • Learn my proven 150k launch & 5-day challenge system.
  • Learn my secret hacks to positioning yourself as an expert. 

Session 3: Your Step-By-Step Action Plan

Saturday, July 24th 12-2pm PST | 2-4pm CT | 3-5pm ET | 8-10pm UK 

  • Learn my step-by-step success formula to strategically plan, schedule, and execute your funnel for sales.
  • Learn how to become the CEO of your personal and professional life.
  • Learn how to stay focused and leave your legacy in this lifetime.  


Doctor of Divinity D.D., Spiritual Practitioner RScP, and New Thought & World-Renowned Spiritual Teacher.

Walden Wisdom Award 2020 next to Oprah Winfrey, Gregg Braden & Michael Bernard Beckwith.

Founder of New Thought Global & Soulciété and has touched hundreds of thousands of lives teaching her famous e4 Trauma Method™, Universal Law, and Metaphysics of Mind. 

Dr. Erin has interviewed over 3,600 celebrities, influencers, and coaches. TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land & featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, NASDAQ, & Hollywood Magazine. 

Her Mission is - Awakening a Billion People, Together!

“11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.” ~ Forbes

This workshop IS for you if...


  • You're ready to move beyond feeling confused and overwhelmed so you can powerfully monetize your spiritual gifts.
  • You're looking to master your mindset and skillset to launch your online business that will make a difference in the world.
  • You're looking to create $10k+ online monthly and are willing to put in the hard work to fulfill your dreams.
  • You're tired of doing it alone, going around and around in circles, and never actually having success. 
  • You are ready to go to the next level and stop feeling envy when you see other coaches online monetizing without any idea of how they are strategically doing it. 
  • You're looking to do your deep inner spiritual work so you can claim your birthright of POWER, PASSION, and PURPOSE.

This workshop is NOT for you if...

❌You’re content playing small or thinking your current state of mind will get you the quantum leap you want. 

❌You’re looking to get-rich-quick and aren’t willing to put in the hard work it takes to have success. 

❌You’re looking to get more information and not implement it or take bold action. 

❌You’re not 100% committed to becoming the best version of yourself.


“We can’t solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” ~ Einstein

Seats Are Limited - Grab Your Spot Now

Client Results...

Making an impact in the world!

"I had a $42K Month!!!"

“Soulciété helped me work on my belief, deeper connection to my message, mission, and it helped me to heal old trauma to unleash my own potential and become the embodiment of the result my program creates!

Fully empowered in my skillset and mindset to take my story out to the world and have it be my greatest power to living out my Soul Goal!"

Clare - Soulciété Spiritual Coach & Soul Goal Coach

"$10k in 5 Days! I've 10X my Spiritual Coaching Business."

“Dr. Erin's e4 Trauma Method™️ is incredible! Doing my inner work allowed me to gain clarity, confidence, and become crystal clear about my purpose. I've 10X my spiritual coaching business since I joined Soulciété."

Amie - Soulciété Spiritual Coach, Mental Health & Freedom 

"In one month I have generated $32k in sales"

"I realize I was missing ONE thing in my business and it was incorporating subconscious spirituality. When I first met Erin, she just knew and told me, 'You came into this world to heal family lineage for women of color, but in order to do that you need to tap into your gifts.' I cried because I knew she was right. I was feeling stuck and I knew it wasn't learning a new model or structure. It was tapping into my subconscious. I was scaling fast, but there was something holding me back and it was learning more about my subconscious. As a result, in only one month I have generated $32k in sales.

More than the income, I am making a real impact. I am incorporating spirituality as the foundation in my business and it has tremendously helped my own clients get amazing results. Erin was my missing link to scale."

Elaine - Assertive Business Coach


"I made $33k the first week of my launch."

“Erin Fall Haskell is nothing short of a miracle worker. We connected the very first time we met and knew we would work together. My experience with Erin unlocked many answers for me in my life purpose, my relationship with myself and my business. She’s an absolute superstar. If you get the opportunity to work with this woman - seriously, realize that the reason you are in front of each other is that it’s Divine timing and meant for you, and also, run with it. You will cherish the time you spend together. Erin is now firmly in my tribe and I in hers. It's aligned, it’s a no-brainer! Just do it."

Andrea - Founder of Inspire Me & 7 Figure Coach


"Reprogramming my mind was the ultimate game-changer."

“Dr. Erin has transformed my life beyond my wildest dreams! I have worked with other coaches, but it wasn't until I worked with Dr. Erin that I was given the tools to reprogram my subconscious mind which was the ultimate game-changer. I now experience a level of success that I never knew was possible in both my professional and personal life. She takes the work of Louise Hay to the next level. Working with her and the Soulciété spiritual community will give you the tools to create a life that is full of your heart's desires on every level!”

Jess - Soulciété Spiritual Coach & Conscious Relationship Coach 

"Signed up three high ticket soul-centered marketing clients"

“My wins this week! Declared myself as a spiritual coach. Held three half-day retreats. Signed up three high ticket soul-centered marketing clients. Produced a meditation digital course."

Cindy - Soulciété Spiritual Coach & Soul-Based Marketing Coach

"Two days into Soulciété I booked out all my availability for the next three months."

“Two days into Soulciété, a major thing clicked in my mindset. Twenty-four hours later, I had booked out all my availability for the next 3 months. Thank you!"

Dr. Aubry - Award-Winning Coach & Therapist


Disclaimers: This site and the products and services offered are in no way affiliated with Facebook™.

This course is for educational use only. Starting your own coaching business comes with risk. Please, consult your professional advisor before making any financial decisions or investments.

Earnings and income representations made by Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, the economy, and other factors.

You are responsible for your own actions and results in your personal and professional life. Dr. Erin, Erin Fall Haskell International, Inc., Soulciété, and New Thought Global claim no responsibility to you or any person or entity for any liability, loss, damage or alleged issue, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information in the course. By registering for this or any of our courses, you accept total and complete liability and responsibility for your decisions, actions, finances, health, and results in life. Please, seek medical advice prior to doing the e4 Trauma Method™.  Seek professional help for PTSD, addiction, or mental disorders.  No one within our community ever has to do the e4 Trauma Method™, use your own discretion.  Also, we do not discriminate against any race, color, or sexual orientation. Our core principle is Unity. 


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Join the 3-Day Monetize as a Spiritual Coach Challenge!

Turn your passion for spirituality into a career