You have a DIVINE destiny for making an impact in the spiritual industry and the world at large!
You're a 'Doctor of Divinity' TYPE
You’ve had a spiritual calling and desire to make a difference in the world by bringing new wisdom, new modalities, and new publications to the world. 🚀
It's time to invent, innovate, and IMPACT the world.
You'd love to bring a new VISION to the world and help people discover a new way of thriving.
You are committed to AWAKENING the world and realize that you have a spiritual gift to give to the world... YOU! ✨
Your big challenge? Sometimes you might feel like the world isn't ready or maybe you're experiencing 'imposters syndrome' and don't feel worthy of global success.
It's ok! Let go of trying to figure out HOW and allow yourself to take the next inspired action. Your job is to commit to yourself and to your dreams - The Universe is working 'overtime' on your behalf.
Remember, there's only one of you in this entire Universe. You are ONE with everything and a Unique Divine Expression! 👑
Click HERE to join the FREE 5 Day Challenge - Monetize as a Spiritual Entrepreneur 🚀
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." - Goethe
Keep reading for your step-by-step plan to launch as a 'Soulpreneur' type and assist you in awakening the world:
Commit To Your Dreams...
Yes, it is time to inform your subconscious mind and Universal Law with a powerful decision. The greatest product to produce is you. You're not here to win the rat race of materialism, you're here to express the depths of your soul in form. Commit and the Universe will conspire! 🔑
1. Get Clear On Your Message & Mission 😎
It's time to turn your pain into your purpose and to transform your trials into triumphs. Your suffering is a blessing in disguise, it's your divine assignment to birth wisdom out of the darkness. It's time to complete your inner work, releasing your limiting beliefs, and live your truth.
2. Price Your Product or Service 💰
The difference between a hobby and a business is monetization. The Universe is the ultimate mirror of our mindset. Create one product or service to give to the world. It's time to give value and receive value.
3. Selling With Soul 👑
Shift your mindset from trying to get something to helping and being of service. Your greatest gift is to inspire your client to commit to themselves and their dreams. Focus on connecting at a heart level and miracles will prevail.
4. Master Social Media 🗝️
Spirit desires for us to connect in our unity via the world wide web and social media. It's all about engagement, connection, and collaboration. It's time to be consistent in your core message globally online.
5. 10X Your Soul-Biz 🎯
Collaboration and synergy are the secrets to quantum growth in your business. It's time to link up with like-minded soul-based coaches, influencers, and companies. Relationships are our greatest assets. You don't have to do it alone anymore. Together, we are awakening the world!
Hi👋, I’m Dr. Erin!
I'm super excited to be connected here. This community is a dream I've had for years.
It's been an incredible journey to becoming a Doctor of Divinity, CEO of New Thought Global & Soulciété, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, International Best-Selling Author, Global Peace Award 2016 & Walden Wisdom Award 2020, Self-Made Millionaire, Top Rated itunes Podcaster, and Mother.
My life wasn't always this powerful...
At the age of 22, I was financially and spiritually broke after having a stillborn son, which sent me on an intense journey of seeking truth, birthing my purpose, and discovering a life beyond my wildest dreams.
Today, I am financially, emotionally, and spiritually free! 👑
It is my greatest passion is to develop spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, New Thought Ministers, and Doctors of Divinity, and assisting soul-based business owners in their personal and professional lives.
May you live your truth! ✨
Let's connect on Instagram & Facebook
Looking for some spiritual hacks to grow your biz?
Binge my podcast. Learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind, birth your purpose, and live your truth. Learn how to manifest via Universal Law, Metaphysics, and New Thought Principles. I help spiritual entrepreneurs and coaches hack their personal and professional lives. Click HERE to listen! 🎧