Networking for conscious business owners and entrepreneurs.

Want to close more sales?
Expand your business network?
Be part of a thriving, growing, and global networking community?
Want to master your skillset and mindset?

New Thought Global Business Networking is for you if you areā€¦

  • Running your own business or venture
  • Feeling lonely and craving connection
  • Searching for your ‘tribe’
  • Interested in the New Thought movement
  • Looking to boost your sales and increase your revenue
  • Feeling like you could be generating more leads for your business
  • Feeling a lack of focus
  • Passionate about doing business with people you like
  • Looking for business contacts who have the same beliefs and values as you
  • Keen to master proven business skills
  • Fascinated by learning, education and improving your knowledge
  • Keen to connect with like-minded contacts at meet ups, events, retreats and functions to build and strengthen your relationships

Look no further, we have the solution!

We bring New Thought combined with Business Mastery, Spiritual Mastery and Business Networking to a global audience.

Using the foundations of New Thought, we consciously connect business owners, entrepreneurs and soulpreneurs together as we rise as a business networking community.

We can hand on heart say we believe you will never experience a spiritual networking group with as much value, resources, bonuses and impact in the world!



Our Core Values...

Why New Thought Global Business Networking?

Our mission is to awaken a billion people globally through our divine connection.

We are passionate about spiritual mastery and business mastery and we bring that together in a global networking group.

We are a spiritual business networking community committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship.

We create a safe, shared space for members – our core values are community, connection and collaboration.

We offer incredible options for networking, building your business contacts, and joining a thriving community.

We believe that business mastery is spiritual mastery.

We offer an unrivalled variety of learning, education and coaching tools.

We are committed to being the #1 New Thought Business Networking Group in the world.

And we understand business, we understand networking, we understand New Thought and spirituality and we combine these passions to create New Thought Global Business Networking. 

Yes! It is absolutely possible to enjoy prosperity, boost your profits and expand your connections whilst living on spiritual principle. We combine spiritual mastery, business mastery and networking to create a safe container for community, connection and collaboration.

Meet The Hosts...

Fiona Drake

Hi, I’m Fiona

I felt lonely and that I didn’t belong…

Owning a business can be a lonely experience. I know this more than anyone! For over two and a half decades I worked in the corporate world, in sales and marketing, and I was surrounded by clients, colleagues, team members and community daily.

In 2019, I started my own business, as a solo-preneur in the world of coaching. This was the best move I had ever made! I was my own boss, with a clear vision for the business and I immediately started seeing success.

However, working as a solo business owner can be lonely. I loved my new change in life, but boy, did I miss connection, professional friendships and the opportunity to do business with people in my ‘tribe’.

So, with this, I started networking and I created great friendships with trusted business owners. Soon, I was developing opportunities and enjoying reciprocal business. Soon, those professional contacts I made became another arm to my sales function, and before I knew it, I was surrounded by a circle of trusted friends and cheerleaders, my business was growing in revenue, I was being offered opportunities to speak at events, new client business was growing and I felt a huge belonging.

And so, the result for me from business networking was improved revenue, greater profits, the creation of my inner circle.

But I knew, I could help make it even better! I knew that with the right partners, resources, backing and vision, I could be a part of making networking more meaningful, with greater impact, community and connection.

In 2019, I met Fabio Mazzieri, at a networking group. After connecting a few times, we met for coffee, and before long, I was coaching Fabio as he pioneered and developed his own networking group. Within a month or so of us finishing his 1:1 programme, Fabio was hosting his first paid networking group with 50 businesses in the room, with a guest speaker. It was a HUGE success.

I joined Soulciété in September 2019, and I haven’t looked back since. This is an incredible community with out-of-this-world resources, and being a part of this amazing space, has changed my life exponentially.

So, here’s where I am passionate. I am passionate about bringing people together and creating a safe shared space for connection. I am passionate about collaboration, as I firmly believe we are even stronger when we come together. I am passionate about my spirituality and having a space to share that confidently.

I am excited to be a part of this amazing venture and I urge you to take advantage of this incredible offer!


Fabio Mazzieri

Hi, I’m Fabio

I knew I could take networking to the next level…

I left the corporate world mid 2018 after spending years as an Account Director responsible for 2 major global logistics companies. I, like Fiona, had a team of people around me going from meeting to meeting daily and chatting to hundreds of people each week.

I started a business mid 2018 with a business partner who was not a fan of networking or interacting with a lot of people. He was the back end of the business and I the front-end showman.

At an Awards Dinner later that year I met someone who introduced me to networking. I joined a group and I saw lots of business being exchanged and companies doing extremely well from networking, but I wasn’t getting the referrals, was struggling with my business and becoming a little frustrated with the pressure of finding referrals every week with none in return.

It really got me thinking about bringing my own business community together so we could connect and collaborate whilst supporting each other’s business in a relaxed, natural business meeting exchange.

In 2019, I met Fiona Drake at one of the meetings. After connecting a few times, we met for a coffee and Fiona agreed to coach me.

I told Fiona that I was going to create my own business networking group! Within weeks of us finishing the coaching sessions, I had launched my first taster networking group in the December and then the first paid networking meeting in January 2020 and Fiona was our first guest speaker presenting to over 50 businesses.

I have followed Dr.Erin on social media for quite a while and in April of this year I jumped at the opportunity of joining Soulciete and have since found my calling and purpose in life!

The community is so amazing and supportive, and I have taken Quantum Leaps in both my personal and professional life in the short months I have been part of Soulciété.

So, what are my core values?

Community and Connection – I am passionate about bringing spiritually aware people together to connect in a safe space to be able to connect.

Collaboration – In my opinion, this is key for the world of business these days and can help x10 your business.

I am so passionate and excited about being part of this venture. Come and join us!



“Fiona was amazing, and Fabio, your unflappable approach to organizing the rooms was great! The guest speaker was amazing and meeting Dr. Erin was the icing on the cake! You are going to have great success with this new venture.” KP

“I had such a great time during the networking call today. I want more days like that surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs. Thank you for being the creative force and glue behind this genius idea.” EF

“Wanted to say thank you for an amazing call today! It was outstanding. The logistics were great, the guest speaker was incredible, I felt she was speaking to my soul. Thank you for doing this!” FT

“Thank you for creating this! It was so cool to split off into the break out rooms! The impact this has had on me, I felt so much abundance and lightness and feel I have had a breakthrough! So genuine, authentic and special!” HT

“It was amazing! It was absolutely fantastic, thank you so much! I really, really enjoyed it! You could tell you put the work in, it flowed so well and I was so impressed! Congratulations!” JC

Monthly Networking Calls (Value $1,998)

  • One Zoom meetings per month
  • Expert Interviews & Mindset Mastery
  • Breakout Sessions & Educational Programs
  • Intention Setting & Spiritual Principles


Exclusive Business Networking Facebook Group (Priceless)

  • You are cordially invited into this powerful online community of extraordinary people
  • Weekly Accountability Goal Setting & Support
  • If you want to change your life, change the people you hang out with (Priceless!) 


BONUS 1: Awakening Course (Value $149)

  • Awakening Book PDF
  • Digital Awakening Course
  • Manifestation Masterclass
  • 40-Guided Meditations

BONUS 2: Money Mindset 30 Day Prosperity Course (Value $297)

  • 30 Abundance Audios
  • 30 Coaching Videos
  • Daily Prosperity Challenge
  • 30 Guided Meditations

Value is now $2,444






  • One Zoom Business Networking Call Monthly (Value $1,998)
  • Exclusive Business Networking Facebook Group (Priceless)
  • Exclusive Business Networking Facebook Group 
  • Bonus #1 Awakening & Manifesting Course (Value $149)
  • Bonus #2 Money Mindset 30 Day Prosperity Course (Value $297)




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